Friday, November 2, 2018

Cause & Effect Guidelines, Hints, and Tips (part 4)

Cause & Effect 
Guidelines, Hints, and Tips 
(part 4)

Structuring a Cause-and-Effect Essay
A cause-and-effect analysis is any event, experience, or occurrence for which you want to examine the causes and/or effects. The essay explains the cause and effect and examines the connections between them. 

A cause refers to actions or circumstances that lead to a result or consequence. 

An effect means the result or consequence. 

There are several steps that will help you write an effective cause-and-effect essay.
1. Establish your direction
Decide whether you want to talk about causes, effects, or analyze both.
2. Present a clear thesis
The thesis should inform the reader of your purpose or intention CLEARLY. While this type of essay can have a thesis that may focus on causes, effects, or both, [you must check your assignment directions to see exactly what your instructor is looking for in your essay's thesis focus.]
3. Follow an organizational pattern
There are two basic ways to organize a cause-and-effect essay: chronological (time) order and emphatic order. Chronological order discusses the causes and effects in the order that they occur. Emphatic order reserves the strongest or most significant cause and/or effect until the end.
4. Use transitions
Transitional words help the reader follow your cause-and-effect analysis.
As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, So,  Since, As, Because, One reason why ...
One of the most important reasons why ... The main reasons why ... There are other reasons, too, ...
5. Draw a conclusion
Restate the thesis and reach a conclusion concerning the causes and/or effects.

[<<PART 3]                                  [PART 5>>]

Content for this handout was modified using the Cause and Effect Argument Overview handout. 
The original document was provided to The Study Library to assist students with writing. 
You can find the original document at this address
Content approved for download and usage 10.26.2018.

© 2018 by Jeanette L. H. Dick
Cause and Effect Argument Overview

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